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Dynamic Data Optimizer

Data is the fuel for continuous, interactive planning and control in real time. Almost all companies currently face the challenge to make data digitizable, and it is a path that everyone has to go. The result is worth the effort. Did you know that 30 - 40% of productivity gains during our running projects supported by simulation based real data planning are enabled by data optimizing and correct data quality?

The implementation of STREMLER REALTIME TECHNOLOGIES solutions create a break-through experience in data optimization, which can boost the productivity and reactivity of your enterprise. With the correct data, even very complex productions can be planned, optimized and controlled within seconds.

Transparency on the consequences of short-term changes are immediately visible and the right decisions can be taken based on precise predictions and decision-making scenarios in the Digital Twin within seconds. Depicting the reality of the next days or hours in a real data Digital Twin by using correct data and processes empowers you to reach precise results as the basis for your decisions.

The question arises of how to get a high data quality as efficiently as possible?

We recommend a pragmatic, praxis-proven approach in 3 steps based on a process and data model that defines what information is needed in which quality in which process:

  • Use of simulation based real time planning and control system directly as a mirror of the required data. Digital transparency delivers first optimization potential and increases data quality step by step at once in a cycle.

  • To manage this process together with all employees involved, integrating all expertise available into the system

  • Qualifying the personnel with coaching where necessary in order to assure the continuous improvement of the data, powered by our REALTIME TECHNOLOGIES System 

The earlier you start with data optimization, the sooner you can realize the performance increases. The technology implementation is accompanied by an intensive consultation for data optimization by our experts. As pilot in a first step, you can build up for example 2-3 steps of the supply chain or an integrated assembly line. What are your current pain points in the production or supply chain area?

What data do we need in order to achieve real time planning and control fueled by real data (instead of APS / average data)?

Basically, it's less data than you think – it´s smart data instead of big data. The dynamic requirements for the control of a supply chain demand two types of data: the master data supporting the processes and the transaction data. Actual process remote data are sourced from MES or ERP and sources directly from the process.

For the underlaying horizontal system connecting the supply chain end-to-end, data sources can be multiple, integrating

  • Existing data from ERP / MES

  • Process remote data directly from machines

  • Feedback data or where data is still in the process to be generated

  • In many cases you can find relevant data in Excel. In Excel it´s still not dynamically linked

  • Other relevant information we find in working plans

  • Qualifications

  • Setup matrices

  • Possibly supplier’s data

  • Etc.

During the process of filling up all data, the system shows you where data is okay and where it is not, besides checking the optimal plan for production and / or supply chain. And this process will continue even after the implementation, with the effect of an ongoing improvement of your data quality, productivity and reactivity.

For example, staff dependencies can be digitally assessed and transparently integrated with the possibility of real time changes depending on upstream and downstream levels, assuring continuously optimum performance, on-time delivery and high data quality.

The aim is to be able to take optimum decisions for certain working stations in connection with the overall optimum over the entire chain, over several stages, in a wide variety of time windows. Always being aware of capacities, material availability, staff availability in a real time, end-to-end. The synchronized way leads to optimal utilization of the resources: months, weeks, days and hours in advance as well as in the case of acute, unforeseen events and bottlenecks.

Once a high level of data quality reached, the Dynamic Data Optimizer, an AI-powered module of our STREMLER REALTIME TECHNOLOGIES System, can help you very easily to maintain the optimum performance, and gives the freedom and capacity to concentrate on operative and strategic tasks.