Our Vision
Our vision is to control all resources in production and logistics with increasing efficiency and precision, to drive value through supply chains and factories every day. This way we avoid any waste of material, time, labor and energy. As we are continuously developing all our skills to implement mature and innovative Industry 4.0 planning and control solutions, our vision is to be always on the move and respond on the actual customers needs.
From one perspective, products are getting more and more customized, people will be used to get individual products fitting exactly to their needs. These complex and customized products, from the other perspective, have to be realized at global competitive costs and guarantee a high added value. Social security, environmental protection and high service level are the leading factors for the future value chains.
For the first step, in the next years, we will provide our experience to fully digitize holistic planning and steering horizontal layers of supply chains, no “island solutions”, no “static system” sections, avoiding interruptions, full visibility and real time interaction between working teams in production sites and between plants of global networks. In future we will offer real time platform and real time interactive cloud-based solutions, fueled by high quality continuously improved data architectures and flows, controlled by dynamic data optimizers.
In relation to the already existing machines communicating to each other in shopfloor solutions, we are implementing and building up supply chains that talk to each other beyond company boundaries, by digital twin. That´s a contribution for sustainable crisis-proof supply chains in any case of interruption and strengthening, for example, companies and their supplier relationships.
Our conceptual and digital real time control solutions for productions in sectors such as the automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical, energy, construction, textile and steel industries enable results of up to 20 percent more performance with the same use of resources and 50 percent less funds. The optimal organization and application of intelligent high speed technologies gives people the freedom to easily achieve their goals, innovations and sustainable growth.